노인주거복지시설 계획방향설정을 위한 수요자 요구조사 및 분석 - 경기도 거주 노인들을 중심으로 -

Study of a Residential Desire Survey for Planning Criteria of an Old Aged Residence - Focused on the Old Aged in Gyeonggi Province -

  • 은민균 (우석대학교 건축.인테리어디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.25


A person's residence is the primary environment which affects physical and emotional-gratification. Residential environments are very important to a person's quality of life. Because the age of society has rapidly increased, we must take a profound interest in the welfare and residences of the aged. While the government has begun to prepare for an aging society, the residential environments of the aged has not been fully considered. Because the welfare of the aged begins in the house, the term 'residence for the aged' is not limited to the physical space. Because residences for the old aged are included in various social policies such as family relations, social security, health care, safety etc, relevant policies for these residences must be prepared as rapidly as possible. This study-focused on both the importance of residences for the aged and the residential desires of the aged, and aims to propose planning criteria for the residences of the aged.



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