의학교육에서의 가르치는 것과 배우는 것의 의미

The Significance of Teaching and Learning in Medical Education

  • 이승희 (연세대학교 의과대학 BK21의과학사업단)
  • Lee, Seung Hee (BK21 Project for Medical Science, Yonsei University College of Medicine)
  • 투고 : 2009.12.07
  • 심사 : 2009.12.26
  • 발행 : 2009.12.30


Teaching and learning were carried out long before the word "education" was coined. As teaching and learning became more universal, the word "education" was construed as a social promise, and there was a general consensus as to what it denoted. Many university professors will most likely have great confidence and expertise with respect to "teaching" in their area of specialization, and they believe that they are fulfilling a social promise. However, how much expertise do they have in actually making students "learn"? How concerned are professors about enabling students to utilize their potential and talents to cultivate their learning abilities and to adjust to the different demands of various fields? The same issue arises in medical education. To what extent can professors' teaching heighten students' sense of purpose and motivation to learn? With regard to increasing learners' initiatives, the learning model of constructivism presupposes that learners are active and creative, have their own personalities, and possess unlimited learning potential. The PBL being carried out in medical schools today is a form of study that can take advantage of these aspects of learners. They can maximally widen the range of students' development through many intellectual activities and solve difficult problems by either sharing or critiquing the thoughts and ideas of others. The acts of teaching and learning that have been carried out for thousands of years remain difficult to this day and must be ceaselessly deliberated and researched by experts in the field of education. Just as good teachers are required to produce good learners, we must give ourselves room to rethink the basis of education in order to maximize effective and efficient learning.


피인용 문헌

  1. 의학교육에서 자기주도학습원리를 통한 배움의 용기 고찰 vol.12, pp.2, 2009,