Applications of Experiential Learning Theory to Graduate Medical Education

졸업 후 의학교육에 경험학습이론의 활용

  • Lee, Young Hee (Department of Medical Education, College of Medicine, Korea University) ;
  • Kim, Byung Soo (Department of Medical Education, College of Medicine, Korea University)
  • 이영희 (고려대학교 의과대학 의학교육학교실) ;
  • 김병수 (고려대학교 의과대학 의학교육학교실)
  • Received : 2009.06.09
  • Accepted : 2009.06.26
  • Published : 2009.06.30


The purpose of this study was to introduce the concepts of experiential learning and the Kolb's model, and to review some applications of experiential learning theory in graduate medical education. The published literature on GME and education for general practitioners applying the experiential theory and the Kolb's model was reviewed. Experience learning defined the cyclical learning process which emphasizes the learners' reflective thinking of the learners' concrete experiences and their active participation in continuous learning actives. Kolb includes this 'cycle of learning' as a central principle in his experiential learning theory. This is typically expressed as a four-stage cycle of learning. Kolb's cycle moves through concrete experience(CE), reflective observation(RO), abstract conceptualization(AC) and active experimentation(AE). Components of continuing education of the adult learner were based on autonomy, context of learning, and competence and performance as educational objectives. Some strategies for graduate medical education were reflective thinking, self-directed learning, morning reporting and feedback with peer review, etc. Opportunities for learning from experience in practical life can be made to enhance reflective thinking and performance of practitioners. Strategies to develop reflective practice among physicians should be explored by further research.
