치위생과 학생들을 대상으로 한 팀기반학습에서 동료평가 결과와 자기주도학습준비도 점수와의 관계 분석

An analysis of relationship between peer assessment results and self directed learning readiness in a team based learning objected on dental hygiene students

  • 투고 : 2009.08.06
  • 심사 : 2009.09.20
  • 발행 : 2009.09.30


Purpose : This study aimed to examine the relationship between intragroup peer evaluation and self-directed learning readiness(SDLR) in an Introduction to Education class that used a team based learning(TBL). Moreover, it identified the specific components of the SDLR that predicted the peer evaluation results. Method : The research subject pool comprised of 87 $1^{st}$ students in D Health College. Each team was composed of 6~8 members, each of whom evaluated all other members on his or her team SDLR was measured by using SDLR-K-96. Results : SDLR and peer assessment scores had a positive relationship, confirming that SDLR was an important variable that could predict the peer evaluation scores. Among the SDLR factors, 'openness to challenge' and 'self-confidence as a learner' was shown to have the predictive power for the peer assessment. Conclusion : The colleges should provide dental hygiene students with learning opportunities on ability to do self-directed learning through diverse learning methods such as team based learning.



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