Preparation and Characterization of Surface Energy of BPDA-BAPP Polyimide

  • 발행 : 2009.06.25


The surface properties (water sorption and repellency, adhesion) are closely related to the surface tension of polymer solids. The critical surface tension (${\gamma}_c$) and surface tension (${\gamma}_s$) of a polymer solid were estimated by the contact angle method by our quantitative imaging system. BPDA (3,3',4,4'-biphenyl tetracarboxylic dianhydride)-BAPP (1,3-Bis(4-aminophenoxy) propane) polyimide was successfully synthesized. The ${\gamma}_c$ values were analyzed by a Zisman plot, a Young-$Dupr\acute{e}$-Good-Girifalco plot, and a log ($1+cos{\theta}$) vs log ${\gamma}_L$ plot. The ${\gamma}_s$ value of BPDA-BAPE polyimide was evaluated using the geometric mean equation and our multiple regression analysis. The calculated values of ${{\gamma}_s^d$ (a dispersion component), ${{\gamma}_s^p$ (a polar component), ${{\gamma}_s^h$ (a hydrogen bonding component), and ${\gamma}_s$ were 30.79, 9.32, 0.20, and 40.31 $mN{\cdot}m^{-1}$, respectively. The ${\gamma}_s$ of BPDA-BAPP polyimide containing both a methylene group and an ether group was larger than that of the polyimide containing only a methylene group.



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