운전자 맞춤형 음악제공 시스템

A Music Recommendation System for a Driver in Vehicle

  • 최군호 (한국기술교육대 기계정보공학부) ;
  • 김윤상 (한국기술교육대 인터넷미디어공학부)
  • 발행 : 2009.07.01


This paper proposes a music recommendation system for a driver in vehicle. The proposed system provides (selects and plays) a music to a driver in vehicle in real-time manner by inferring his preference based on physical, environmental, and personal information. Pulse data as physical information, age and biorhythm as personal information, and time as environmental information are used to infer a driver's and thus recommend a music. Experimental results showed that the proposed system could provide better satisfaction to a driver on the recommended music compared to the conventional approach.



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