Stable and sustainable power supply means maintaining a certain level of power quality and service while securing energy resource and resolving environmental issues. Distributed generation (DG) has become an essential and indispensable element from environmental and energy security perspectives. It is known that voltage violation is the most important constraint for load variation and the maximum allowable DG. In distribution system, sending voltage from distribution substation is regulated by ULTC (Under Load Tap Changer) designed to maintain a predetermined voltage level. ULTC is controlled by LDC (Line Drop Compensation) method compensating line voltage drop for a varying load, and the sending voltage of ULTC calls for LDC parameters. The consequence is that the feasible LDC parameters considering variation of load and DG output are necessary. In this paper, we design each LDC parameters determining the sending voltage that can satisfy voltage level, decrease ULTC tap movement numbers, or increase DG introduction. Moreover, the maximum installable DG capacity based on each LDC parameters is estimated.