우리나라 수산물 수입시장에서 수출국간의 가격경쟁구조 및 환율변화가 수출가격에 미치는 영향

The Effect of Price Competition Structure and Change of Exchange Rate among Exports Countries to the Korea's Fish Import Market

  • 김기수 (부경대학교 국제통상학부) ;
  • 임은선 (부경대학교 국제통상물류학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


Recently, the Korea's economy concerns the second money crisis because of the rapid increase of the exchange rate. The Korea's economy which is very dependent on the foreign trade is more sensitive to the change of exchange rates. There are many literatures which analyze the effects of variations of the exchange rates on the secondary and tertiary industries such as the manufacturing industry and IT(Information Technology). But there have been no studies which try to figure out the effects of variations of exchange rate on the primary industries, especially, fisheries' industry. Therefore this paper tries to analyze the effect of price competition structure and the change of exchange rate on foreign fisheries exporting prices in Korea's fisheries import market. This study utilizes OLS(Ordinary Least Squares Analysis) for the analysis in the market of frozen yellow corvina, hairtail, angler fish which are major fisheries importable in Korea. The results show that the exporting country which has the highest market share is more sensitive to the change of the exchange rates itself than that of the other exporting countries' price when it starts to set up its exporting price. And the exporting countries which have low market share are more sensitive to the change of price which country has the highest market share than that of price whose countries have low market share and those of their exchange rate. Also we can find out that the countries which have similar market share try to set up price-setting strategy in the opposite direction. In other words, one country tries to bid up its price, other countries response to rival country by lowering their prices. In the consideration of the fact that most exporting countries aren't affected by Korea's fisheries' prices, the exporting countries in Korea's fisheries import market are more sensitive to the prices of other exporting countries than that of Korea's. This result indicates that the price leader-follower model could be applicable to the Korea's fisheries import market.



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