초.중.고생의 인터넷 중독과 부모에 대한 애착 및 자기조절 간의 관계

The Relationship between Students' Internet Addiction, Attachment to Parents and Self Control

  • 한유진 (명지대학교 아동학과) ;
  • 최나야 (가톨릭대학교 생활과학부 아동학)
  • Han, Eu-Gene (Dept. of Child Studies, Myongji Univ.) ;
  • Choi, Na-Ya (Dept. of Child & Family Studies, The Catholic University of Korea)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


This study was conducted to investigate the relationship of students' attachment to parents and their self control to Internet addiction. The participants in this study included 338 elementary students, 371 junior high students, and 342 high school students of Kyunggi province. They were categorized into 3 groups by their aptitude to Internet addiction: serious addicts, potential addicts, and non-addicts. According to the results, older students showed higher tendency toward Internet addiction, and more insecure attachment to their parents. More than 20% of participants were disposed to addiction to the Internet, indicating that immediate intervention should be applied. Significant variables to explain students' Internet addiction were differentiated along their developmental levels. Attachment to parents was related to the Internet addiction of elementary and junior high students, while self control was more critical for high school students' addiction.



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