The perception of pre-service kindergarten teacher toward children's fundamental habit education

유아 기본생활습관 교육에 대한 예비유아교사의 인식

  • Youn, Jin-Ju (Dept. of Early Childhood Education, Wonkwang University)
  • 윤진주 (원광대학교 유아교육과)
  • Published : 2009.06.30


The study was to see if the perceptions of pre-service kindergarten teacher toward the education of children's fundamental habit would show different characteristics based on their school type, education learning experience, and practicum experience. Subjects were 200 students majoring in early childhood education who were attending 3-year colleges and 4-year universities in Jellabuk-do and Daejeon. Preceding researches were referenced to develop questionnaire for the research method. The collected data was analyzed through t-test and Chi-square test. The followings are results: First, the interest in education showed significant difference in school type, but not significant difference in education learning experience and practicum experience. Second, the recognition in educational goal showed significant difference in practicum experience, but not significant difference in school type and education learning experience. the educational content showed significant difference in education learning experience, but not in school type and practicum experience. the recognition in educational principal showed significant difference in school type, but not significant difference in education learning experience and practicum experience. the recognition in educational method showed no significant difference in school type, education learning experience and practicum experience. Third, the recognition in educational hardship toward teaching showed significant difference in school type, education learning experience and practicum experience. The results of study would provide the righteous cognitive establishment of children's fundamental habit education and serve the appropriate guidelines being professor for our perspective kindergarten teachers. Also, they would be utilized as basic information to plan the direction of children's fundamental habit education to develop the program of children's life guidance.



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