An analysis on the Relative Weights of Residential Environmental Constituents - Comparison of the Dwellers' and Experts' Evaluations -

주거환경 구성요소의 상대적 가중치 분석 - 일반인과 전문가 평가의 비교를 중심으로 -

  • Published : 2009.04.25


The evaluation of the quality of residential environment, in the planning process, is very important. If the environmental quality can be measured on the design scheme itself, it would be possible not only to estimate the residential environment, but also to apply the results of measuring in the planning and design of new residential projects. This study aimed at estimating the relative weights of the constituents of a residential environment by AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process). For the detailed analysis of relative weights, the respondent of survey were composed of two different groups-dwellers and experts. The findings are as follows (:) 1) the relative weights of residential constituents were different between the respondent groups; 2) the relative weights of residential constituents were different according to socio-demographic characteristics; and 3) for the practical application of estimation results of the relative weights, the relation between residential performance constituents and physical design elements should be considered.



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