A Review of Ocean Wave Power Extraction; the primary interface

  • Nik, W.B. Wan (Maritime Technology Department, University Malaysia Terengganu) ;
  • Muzathik, A.M. (Maritime Technology Department, University Malaysia Terengganu) ;
  • Samo, K.B. (Maritime Technology Department, University Malaysia Terengganu) ;
  • Ibrahim, M.Z. (Engineering Science Department, University Malaysia Terengganu)
  • Received : 2009.04.12
  • Accepted : 2009.05.21
  • Published : 2009.06.01


This paper aims to describe the importance of data, data collection methods, parameters to estimate the potential of wave energy and environmental impacts. The technical and economical status in wave energy conversion is outlined. Power and energy efficiency relationships are discussed. Many different types of wave-energy converters have been detailed. The progress in wave energy conversion in Malaysia is reviewed.



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