성상세포에서 메테오린에 의한 TSP-1 발현조절에 $PKC\delta$ 신호경로의 연관성

Effect of Meteorin on the Regulation of TSP-1 via $PKC\delta$ Signalings in Astrocytes

  • 발행 : 2009.06.30


Meteorin in astrocytes has antiangiogenic activities via thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1), however, the regulatory mechanism has been unclear. Here we report that Meteorin upregulates TSP transcriptionally through luciferase reporter assays in astrocytes. Moreover, Meteorin activates $PKC\delta$ and ERK1/2 in astrocytes. Inhibition of $PKC\delta$ and ERK1/2 activities attenuated expression of TSP-1 by Meteorin in astrocytes. We, therefore, demonstrate that Meteorin activates $PKC\delta$ signaling and, in turn, increases TSP-1 expression in astrocytes to inhibit angiogenesis in the brain.



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