변산반도국립공원 작은방 일대의 식물상 및 군락 분석

Analysis on Community and flora of Jakeundang in the Byeonsanbando National Park

  • 오현경 (전북대학교 대학원 조경학과) ;
  • 변무섭 (전북대학교 조경학과 & 농업과학기술연구소)
  • Oh, Hyun-Kyung (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Graduate School, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Beon, Mu-Sup (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, and Institute of Agricultural Science & Technology, Chonbuk National University)
  • 발행 : 2009.04.30


변산반도국립공원 작은당 일대의 식물상은 50과 88속 98종 6변종 1품종으로 총 105종류가 확인되었으며, 이중 목본식물은 31종류(29.5%), 초본식물은 74종류(70.5%)로 구분되었다. 식물상 중 희귀식물에는 모새달(보존우선순위: 194번), 쥐방울덩굴(151번), 모감주나무(115번), 갯방풍(203번) 등 4종류가 확인되었다. 특산식물에는 민(좀)땅비싸리와 서울제비꽃이 확인되었으며, 국외반출 승인대상 식물은 희귀식물과 동일하게 확인되었다. 또한 식물구계학적 특정식물에는 V등급과 IV등급 및 II등급에 해당하는 식물군은 출현하지 않았으며, III등급에는 갯그령, 솔장다리, 모감주나무 등의 3분류군, I 등급에는 갯쇠보리, 모새달, 통보리사초, 천문동, 쥐방울덩굴, 갯장군채, 장구밥나무, 갯방풍, 갯메꽃, 모래지치, 순비기나무, 참골무꽃, 해국 등의 13분류군으로 도합 16분류군이 확인되었다. 귀화식물에는 큰이삭풀, 미국자리공, 다닥냉이, 아까시나무, 달맞이꽃, 큰도꼬마리 등 6과 10속 10종류가 확인되었으며, 귀화율은 전체 105종류의 식물상 중 9.5%로 분석되었다. 군락은 사구와 배후습지로 구분하여 피복율과 상대우점치를 분석하였으며, 사구지역은 순비기나무군락, 배후습지는 모새달군락으로 구분되었다. 작은당은 국립공원인 변산반도사무소에서 사구 식물관찰지로 지정관리하고 있으며, 이를 보존하기 위해서는 탐방 예약제나 사구식물에 대한 교육과 홍보 등의 체계적인 관리대책이 요망된다.

In the flora of the whole area of Jakeundang at Byeonsanbando National Park, a total of 105 taxa were identified including 50 families, 88 genera, 98 species, 6 varieties and 1 form. These were again divided into 31 taxa (29.5%) of woody plants and 74 taxa (70.5%) of herbaceous plants. In addition, 4 taxa of the Korea Forest Service, designated rare plants in the flora were identified to grow there including Phacelurus latifolius (Preservation priority order: No. 194), Aristolochia contorta (No. 151), Koelreuteria paniculata (No. 115), and Glehnia littoralis (No. 203). Indigofera koreana, Viola seoulensis that are on the list of Korean endemic plants were also identified and the plants approved for export were identified similarly to rare plants. In addition, among the floral region-based specific plants, the plant group belonging to class V, class IV and II didn't appear and a total of 16 taxa 3 taxa including Elymus mollis, Salsola collina and Koelreuteria paniculata in class III, and 13 taxa including Ischaemum anthephephoroides, Phacelurus latifolius, Asparagus cochinchinensis, Melandryum oldhamianum for. roseum, Calystegia soldanella, Messerschmidia sibirica, Scutellaria strigillosa and Aster spathulifolius, etc. in class I were identified. Among the naturalized plants in the surveyed sites, 6 families, 10 genera, and 10 taxa were identified to grow, such as Bromus unioloides, Phytolacca americana, Lepidium apetalum, Robinia pseudoacacia, Oenothera biennis and Xanthium canadense, etc. and the naturalization rate was analyzed to be 9.5% of all 105 taxa of vascular plants. This research analyzed the coverage ratio and importance value by dividing the community into a sand dunes and back swamp and divided the sand dune area into Vitex rotundifolia community and the back swamp into Phacelurus latifolius community. Jakeundang is designated as a sand dune plants observation area and managed by the office of Byeonsanbando National Park. To preserve this place, it is desirable to take a systematic management measure, such as a visit to this place on a subscription basis or education and publicity on sand dune plants.



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