Shape Recognition and Classification Based on Poisson Equation- Fourier-Mellin Moment Descriptor

  • Zou, Jian-Cheng (Institute of Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, North China University of Technology) ;
  • Ke, Nan-Nan (Institute of Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, North China University of Technology) ;
  • Lu, Yan (Institute of Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, North China University of Technology)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


In this paper, we present a new shape descriptor, which is named Poisson equation-Fourier-Mellin moment Descriptor. We solve the Poisson equation in the shape area, and use the solution to get feature function, which are then integrated using Fourier-Mellin moment to represent the shape. This method develops the Poisson equation-geometric moment Descriptor proposed by Lena Gorelick, and keeps both advantages of Poisson equation-geometric moment and Fourier-Mellin moment. It is proved better than Poisson equation-geometric moment Descriptor in shape recognition and classification experiments.



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