An Efficient Virtual Teeth Modeling for Dental Training System

  • Kim, Lae-Hyun (Intelligence and Interaction Research Center, KIST) ;
  • Park, Se-Hyung (Intelligence and Interaction Research Center, KIST)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


This paper describes an implementation of virtual teeth modeling for a haptic dental simulation. The system allows dental students to practice dental procedures with realistic tactual feelings. The system requires fast and stable haptic rendering and volume modeling techniques working on the virtual tooth. In our implementation, a volumetric implicit surface is used for intuitive shape modification without topological constraints and haptic rendering. The volumetric implicit surface is generated from input geometric model by using a closest point transformation algorithm. And for visual rendering, we apply an adaptive polygonization method to convert volumetric teeth model to geometric model. We improve our previous system using new octree design to save memory requirement while increase the performance and visual quality.



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