빈곤 가정 학령기 아동의 건강실태분석

An Analysis Survey on Physical Development and Health Status of Elementary Children in Poverty in Incheon Area

  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


Purpose: This study was conducted to figure out the physical development and health status of elementary children in poverty. Method: 306 children in poverty registered in 3 regional children centers located in Incheon were selected. The results were compared with those of the physical status of students all over the country in 2008. Result: The children in poverty were relatively poor in the growth state such as height and weight, compared with those in non-disadvantage family children. In eyesight to be corrected, the children in poverty reached 26%. As a result of a blood laboratory test, the children with high T-cholesterol reached 5.84%; high SGOT/GPT 6.3%. In anemia, 41.4% of boys in poverty were suffering from it, compared to 7.5% of girls. In Internet addiction, children in poverty showed lower value than those in non-disadvantage children, but there are correlated between CDI and internet addiction test. Conclusions: These results implies the children in poverty have more physical and emotional problems, so they are in danger of related to health. These matters mean that the management by professional health care should be provided, and the plan and policy for promoting health for the children in vulnerable group should be established and provided.
