초등학교 흡연 예방 교육의 효과

Effects of a Smoking Prevention Education on Elementary School Students

  • 발행 : 2009.03.30


Objectives: The purpose of this study suggests effective elementary school based smoking prevention education for preventing students from smoking, by examining and analysing a variety factors related to their knowledge and attitude on smoking. Pre-post quasi-experimental study was designed to analyze the effects of knowledge and attitude toward smoking of elementary school students. Methods: Data were collected by questionnaires from 135 students of the control group and 359 students of the experimental group in Korea, from June 4 to July 20, 2007. The reliabilities of instruments were adequate (Cronbach's alpha=.73-.79). Data were analyzed by t-test, $\chi2$-test and ANCOVA using SAS V8 program. Results: The results were as follows; 1. The ANCOVA models of the knowledge and attitude toward smoking were very significant to explain about education effects. 2. After the smoking prevention education, the smoking knowledge and attitude of the experimental group was significantly improved, whereas those of control group didn't. Smoking prevention education for elementary school students increased their level of smoking knowledge and desirable attitude. Conclusion: Therefore, it is necessary to give and develop a more effective program which is suitable to the subjects's needs and low grades before start smoking. Furthermore more various teaching methods such as VTR, lectures, role play and long term education program are need to be effective to change attitude and to improve the smoking knowledge.



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