초등학생을 위한 교사용 안전교육 지침서 개발

Development of a Safety Education Guideline Book for Teachers of Elementary School Students

  • 발행 : 2009.04.30


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a guide book on safety education for teachers to use in education classes for elementary school students. Methods: Dick & Carey's teaching model and Keller's ARCS theory were used in the development of this guide book. Results: This guide book was developed for lower grade (1st$\sim$3rd) and higher grade (4th$\sim$6th) elementary school students. The content consisted of subjects, worksheets, content for teachers, statistical data, case studies, and a safety letter to the parents. The 10 subjects were as follows: "Importance of injury prevention", "Safety at home", "Accident prevention at school", "Violence prevention", "Vehicles safety", "Water safety", "Prevention of Fires & Burns", "Safety of Toys & home supplies", "Safety in Sports & Recreation activity", "Prevention of injury caused by animals". Statistical data was presented by graphs and case studies were presented of cases of real occurrences of accidents. Worksheets contain various activities for students. Safety letters were composed for each student's parents. Conclusion: This guide book presents effective material for safety education classes in elementary school and the authors hope it will be widely used in elementary schools.



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