피터 아이젠만 건축의 색채사용특성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Characteristics of Color for Peter Eisenman Architecture

  • 이선민 (신흥대학 실내디자인과) ;
  • 유연숙 (계원디자인예술대학 실내건축디자인과)
  • 발행 : 2009.04.30


Architectural color would be understood as a essential tool to be reflected the architect's value criteria, thinking process and the specific methodology. This study was established the characteristics of color use correlated with Eisenman's architectural features based on his point of view. At first, it could be organized with data and use the color in view points with the becomming process. Especially it would be expressed the color as a trace of unsynchronized formation. Second, it was introduced the color by graphics engaged with form, to be expressed the dividing, folding, reiteration for deliver of escape from graphic thinking process. Third, it was analyzed to be imported the color to have a multi-lateral space experience in center of user's space recognition and behavior by introduction of color. Finally, it could be inducted the consistent color by viewpoint of interfacial between interior and exterior environment, communicated with strong meaning by conversion from interior elements to color from these processes. A characteristics of Eisenman's architecture color is reflected his thinking process in architecture color as it is and can be understand of 'becomming process use of color' as a tool that is corresponded in form creation. Specially, it would be kept continuous viewpoint of interior and exterior space, giving user color as a viewpoint of linking space, enable many-sidedness experiences through space.



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