20세기 초 한국과 유럽의 부엌 계획특성에 관한 비교연구 - 박길용의 개량부엌과 독일 프랑크푸르트 부엌을 중심으로 -

The Comparative Study on Characteristics of the Kitchen Design of 20 century's Korea and Europe - Centered on Park Gil-Yong's improved kitchen and German Frankfurt kitchen -

  • 정찬미 (경원대학교 실내건축학과) ;
  • 김현정 (현대산업개발 주택설계팀)
  • 발행 : 2009.04.30


The change of idea about overall politics, society, technology, and culture in 20th century led to the change of kitchen which is the central space of household affairs as well. Frankfurt kitchen of Margarete Schuette Lihotzky which was introduced for the first time at Germany International Trade Exhibition in 1927 functionally designed small space of $6.5m^2$ with considering move-line and convenience. This is the beginning of kitchen type which has built-in sink and cupboard that is regarded as an universal option these days, and this has extensively been applied to kitchen system throughout the world after the repetitive development in America, Sweden and Switzerland. And improved kitchen of Park Gil-Yong which was influenced by rationalism introduced from the house improvement campaign and the opening of a port which were progressed in Korea in $1919{\sim}1930$ is the first stand-up kitchen which improved the inefficiency of Korean conventional kitchen. The purpose of this study is to understand the change aspect of kitchen through the rationalization in each country by comparing the introduction background of the times, change of space for residence and kitchen, and the characteristics of kitchen plan which had influence at the turning point on the kitchen in Korea, Europe on the side of efficiency at the same period, take into consideration of our residing-culture which has rapidly been changed between tradition and modernity, and to see the direction of kitchen design which copes with the unique residential environment.



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