남녀 대학생의 헤어관리 인식과 행동 및 지출비용에 관한 연구

A Study on Hair Care Attitudes, Practices and Spending Among University Students'

  • 박진영 (경성대학교 생활경영학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.04.30


The purpose of this study was to analyze university students' attitudes toward hair care as well as their hair care practices and spending. The analytical tools include the chi-square test, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The major findings were as follows: (1) The mean of university students' attitudes toward hair care was 18.5(out of a possible 30). (2) The variables that significantly influenced students' attitudes toward hair care were gender, school year and monthly spending money. (3) Hair care practices differed according to demographic variables and attitudes toward hair care. (4) The average monthly expenditure on hair care was 31,769 won. The variable that most influenced monthly hair care expenditures was gender. In sum, this study found that the variable with the largest effect on hair care attitudes, practices and spending was gender.



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