인구학적 변인과 심리적 소외감이 청소년의 부정적 정서로 인한 섭식행동동기에 미치는 영향

The Influence of Demographical Variables and Alienation on Adolescent's Negative Emotion-Induced Eating Motivation

  • 발행 : 2009.04.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of demographical variables(gender and age) and alienation on adolescent's negative emotion-induced eating motivation. The subjects were 389 middle and high school students who lived in Keoungbok. The data were analyzed by t-test, one-way ANOVA and stepwise multiple regression(using SPSS 12.1). Major findings were as follows: 1) There was difference in adolescent's negative emotion-induced eating motivation according to gender, age, and level of alienation. Adolescent's negative emotion-induced eating motivation tended to be higher when adolescent were girl students, or high school students or in higher level of alienation. 2) Alienation was the stronger predictor of adolescent's negative emotion-induced eating motivation than gender and age. 3) There was difference in boy adolescent's negative emotion-induced eating motivation according to age and level of alienation. But there was difference in girl adolescent's negative emotion-induced eating motivation only according to level of alienation. 4) For boy, alienation was the stronger predictor of adolescent's negative emotion-induced eating motivation than age. But for girl alienation was only significant predictor of adolescent's negative emotion-induced eating motivation.



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