Moxa-combustion therapy makes use of heat stimulus and chemicals result form when cauterize the skin with moxa cones to medical cares. Despite an extensive evidence-base guiding the selection of stimulation parameters and attributes of subject, little methodologically research regarding the attributes of moxa cautery in need to provide effective stimulation. To determine moxibustion's effects of the three different moxa cautery made by three different company(as A, B, C), the small intestinal motility in rats were observed after moxibustion at ST36. Under anesthesia, each intensities(1, 5, 10 times), two regions(left and right at ST36) and a quantity(as number of 1, 5, 10 times at once) were applied to the groups divided with sex. In each intensities groups, the A product made increase with 5, 10 times in male and female group. The B and C product made increase with 10 times in male group and the B product made increase with 1, 5, 10 times and the C product made increase with 5 times in female group. In two regions(left and right at ST36) groups, the A and C product made increase with 1(right), 5(right) times and the B product made increase with 1(left), 10(left), 10(right) times in male group. In female group, the A product made increase with 5(left), 5(right), 10(right) times and the B product made increase with 1(left), 10(left), 10(right) times and the C product made increase with 5(left), 10(left) times. In a quantity(as number of 1, 5, 10 times at once) groups, the A and B product did not show any changes but the C product made increase with a quantity of 10 times in male group. In female group, The B product made increase with a quantity of 1 times and the C product made increase with a quantity of 5 times, but the A product did not show any changes. Three different moxa cautery made by three different company made differents result in each group divided with sex. With these results, it was suggested that we should consider the a process of manufacture and moxa cautery's quality for the adequate value of moxibustion.