부추 분말을 첨가한 쿠키의 물리적, 관능적 특성 연구

Physical and Sensory Characteristics of Cookies with Added Leek(Allium tuberosum Rottler) Powder

  • 임은정 (한양여자대학 식품영양계열) ;
  • 허채옥 (한양여자대학 식품영양계열) ;
  • 권순형 (한양여자대학 식품영양계열) ;
  • 이보숙 (한양여자대학 식품영양계열) ;
  • 조경련 (한양여자대학 식품영양계열) ;
  • 신성균 (한양여자대학 식품영양계열) ;
  • 김상연 (한양여자대학 식품영양계열) ;
  • 김지영 (한양여자대학 식품영양계열)
  • 발행 : 2009.03.31


In this study, we assessed the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of cookies containing various concentrations (0, 3, 5, 7 and 9%) of leek powder. The L values of cookies containing leek powder were significantly lower than those of the controls. The spread ratio decreased proportionally with the quantity of leek powder added to the cookie recipe. The loss rate and leavening rate of samples to which 3% and 5% leek powder was added evidenced a higher value than the samples to which 7% and 9% leek powder was added. The L value of brightness was significantly reduced when leek powder was added to the cookie recipe. The a and b values were also significantly reduced with the addition of leek powder. Hardness evidenced significantly high levels in the samples to which 3% and 5% leek powder was added. The results of our sensory evaluation evidenced significantly better appearance, flavor, color, texture and overall acceptability as compared to the 3% and 5% added samples. The observed quality characteristics of the 3% leek powder added samples and 5% leek powder added samples indicated the possibility that leek cookies might be developed.



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