항공기소음피해지역 설정 기준의 개선방안에 관한 고찰 : 학교를 중심으로

A Study on the Amendment of Criteria for the Establishment of the Area Damaged by the Aircraft Noise : Criteria for School Classrooms

  • 이준호 (한국공항공사 제주지역본부) ;
  • 이기호 (제주대학교 토목환경공학(해양과환경연구소))
  • Lee, Jun-Ho (Jeju International Airport Office, Korea Airport Corporation) ;
  • Lee, Ki-Ho (Department of Civi & Environmental Engineering (Marine & Environ. Res. Inst.), Cheju National University)
  • 발행 : 2009.03.31


The purpose of this study is to propose an appropriate criterium for proper sound insulation service preventing school classrooms from aircraft noise. The guideline of noise level for school facility by Korean school health law is less than Leq 55 which is less stringent than that of other countries. It has been reported that many students are annoyed and disturbed for their works when they are exposed to the noise level over Leq 55. It is desirable to modify this guideline of indoor noise level for school classroom. The noise level of classroom of which windows are opened was measured relatively high in case the school is located at the outside of the official area damaged by aircraft noise. In order to minimize the influence of aircraft noise on the school classrooms in the vicinity of domestic airport, it is necessary to improve the present criteria of WECPNL 75 for the establishment of the area damaged by aircraft noise from WECPNL 70.



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