패션에 표현된 유기적 모더니즘 디자인의 조형적 특성에 관한 연구

A Study of the Formative Characteristics of Organic Modernism Design in Fashion

  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


This study has outlined and summarized academic meaning of formative characteristics of Organic Modernism represented by various aspects of design, art, industry and architecture, then has intented to define concept of Organic Modernism Fashion. Eventually, this study is to make a analysis of formative characteristics of Organic Modernism Fashion Design. Based on example of Organic Modernism applied to architectural structure, industrial products and pure paintings, this study has analyzed and researched into formative characteristics of Organic Modernism represented by fashion design. As a consequence of study, its characteristics are defined as below; The first, the beauty of simple formation using delicate curve. The second, the expression of symbolic formation based on surrealism. The third, the expression of continuous 3-dimensional curved surface. And the last characteristic is a providing transformable multi-function. Through those characteristics mentioned above, it may be expected to define a concept of Organic Modernism Fashion Design newly and to set a precedent for providing a basic criteria to classify formative characteristics of Organic Modernism Fashion Design.



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