선박 외판 성형에서 목적 형상과 전개 평판의 최적 정합을 위한 ICP(Iterative Closest Point) 알고리즘 적용

Application of ICP(Iterative Closest Point) Algorithm for Optimized Registration of Object Surface and Unfolding Surface in Ship-Hull Plate Forming

  • 이장현 (인하대학교 선박해양공학과) ;
  • 윤종성 (인하대학교 대학원 선박공학과) ;
  • 류철호 (인하공업전문대학 선박해양시스템과) ;
  • 이황범 (인하대학교 대학원 선박공학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.04.30


Generally, curved surfaces of ship hull are deformed by flame bending (line heating), multi-press forming, and die-less forming method. The forming methods generate the required in-plane/bending strain or displacement on the flat plate to make the curved surface. Multi-press forming imposes the forced displacements on the flat plate by controlling the position of each pressing points based upon the shape difference between the unfolded flat plate and the curved object shape. The flat plate has been obtained from the unfolding system that is independent of the ship CAD. Apparently, the curved surface and the unfolded-flat surface are expressed by different coordinate systems. Therefore, one of the issues is to find a registration of the unfolded surface and the curved shape for the purpose of minimum amount of forming works by comparing the two surfaces. This paper presents an efficient algorithm to get an optimized registration of two different surfaces in the multi-press forming of ship hull plate forming. The algorithm is based upon the ICP (Iterative Closest Point) algorithm. The algorithm consists of two iterative procedures including a transformation matrix and the closest points to minimize the distance between the unfolded surface and curved surfaces. Thereby the algorithm allows the minimized forming works in ship-hull forming.



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