제주도에서 흑로 Egretta sacra의 식이물과 취식 영역

The Food Resources and Foraging Sites of Pacific Reef Herons(Egretta sacra) in Jeju Island, Korea

  • 김완병 (제주특별자치도민속자연사박물관) ;
  • 오홍식 (제주대학교 과학교육과)
  • Kim, Wan-Byung (Folklore and Natural History Museum, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province) ;
  • Oh, Hong-Shik (Dept. of Science education, Jeju National University)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


본 연구는 2005년 2월부터 8월까지 제주특별자치도 애월읍 신엄리에서 흑로의 식이물과 취식 영역을 조사하였다. 수거한 식이물은 모두 5종 21개체였으며, 이중 검정망둑(Tridentoger obscurus)이 38.1%(n=8)로 가장 많았고, 다음이 가막베도라치(Ennedpterygius etheostomus)가 19.0%(n=4), 멸치(Engraulis japonica)가 14.3%(n=3) 순이었다. 식이물의 크기는 평균 $58.29{\pm}5.17mm$(n=19)였으며, 검정망둑 $67.49{\pm}4.91mm$(n=8), 가막베도라치 $43.98{\pm}3.50mm$(n=4), 멸치 $22.77{\pm}1.17mm$(n=3), 반쯤 소화된 상태의 넙치(Paralichthys olivaceus)와 볼락(Sebastes inermis)도 확인되었다. 먹이활동이 이루어지는 취식 영역은 번식지를 기점으로 동쪽으로는 7.4km 지점의 외도천 하류까지, 서쪽으로는 6.6km 지점의 애월읍 금성천까지로 나타났다.

The principal objective of this study was to determine and characterize the food resources and foraging sites of Pacific Reef Herons bred in Aewol-eup, Jeju Island, during Feb. 2005 ~ Aug. 2005. The food resources of Pacific Reef Herons were identified as comprising 21 individuals of 5 species, and these identifications were verified as follows: 38.1% of Tridentoger obscurus(n=8), 19.0% of Ennedpterygius etheostomus(n=4), and 14.3% of Engraulis japonica(n=3). The sizes of the food resources were measured as follows: total $58.29{\pm}5.17mm$(n=19), T. obscurus was $67.49{\pm}4.91mm$(n=8), E. etheostomus was $43.98{\pm}3.50mm$(n=4), and E. japonica was $22.77{\pm}1.17mm$. The semi-digested foods were confirmed as Paralichthys olivaceus and Sebastes inermis. The primary foraging sites were 7.4km(Oedocheon) east, to 6.6km(Geumseongcheon) west of the Aewol breeding area.



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