디젤 분무와 천연 가스 분류의 거동 특성에 관한 기초 연구

A Basic Study of the Behavior Characteristics of Diesel Spray and Natural-gas Jet

  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


This basic study is required to examine spray or jet behavior depending on fuel phase. In this study, analyses of diesel fuel(n-Tridecane, $C_{13}H_{28}$) spray and natural gas fuel(Methane, $CH_4$) jet under high temperature and pressure are performed by a general-purpose program, ANSYS CFX release 11.0, and the results of these are compared with experimental results of diesel fuel spray using the exciplex fluorescence method. The simulation results of diesel spray is analyzed by using the combination of Large-Eddy Simulation(LES) and Lagrangian Particle Tracking(LPT) and of a natural gas jet is analyzed by using Multi-Component Model(MCM). There are two study variables considered, that is, ambient pressure and injection pressure. In a macroscopic analysis, the higher ambient pressure is, the shorter spray or jet tip penetration is at each time after start of injection. And the higher injection pressure is, the longer spray or jet tip penetration is at each time after start of injection. When liquid fuel is injected, droplets of the fuel need some time to evaporate. However, when natural gas fuel is injected, the fuel does not need time to evaporate. Gas fuel consists of minute particles. Therefore, the gas fuel is mixed with the ambient gas more quickly at the initial time of injection than the liquid fuel is done. The experimental results also validate the usefulness of this analysis.



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