Charging and Revenue Estimation for the WiMAX System

  • Lee, Hoon (Dept. of Information & Communication Engineering, Changwon National University)
  • 발행 : 2009.03.31


In the near future it is foreseen that a genuine multimedia service over the WiMAX system is provided in a worldwide manner by exploiting the QoS technologies introduced in the wireless and wired broadband network. In this work we propose a pricing scheme for the multimedia service over the generic WiMAX system that supports a full QoS functionality. We assume real-time services such as the voice and video as well as the nonreal-time service such as the conventional high-speed data, and we propose a pricing and charging scheme for those services by investigating the inherent characteristics of those services and the multiple-class of QoS-service provided to them. After that we propose a method to compute expected revenue that is obtained from the WiMAX system by using an analytic method to estimate the usage of the bandwidth resources for the different class of services. Via numerical experiment, we verify the implication of the work.



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