주거공간의 실내디자인 특성에 대한 노인선호

Elderly Preference of Interior Design in Residential Space

  • 발행 : 2009.12.25


As the needs of housing for the elderly has increased, many researches have been carried out and some housing projects for the elderly including nursing home began to be provided. Most researches have focused on the development of housing type or space layout and only several ones on interior design. The interior design in house influences physically or psychologically on the elderly who lives in. Also, the subject of them which examined the needs or preference for housing for the elderly were the middle-aged, not the aged. The purpose of the study was to examine the preferred characteristics of interior design in residential space by the elderly. The structured interview with 120 old persons who lived in Busan was carried out using by a questionnaire and 3D images. The elderly answered about the preferred interior style, color, lighting and interior finishes of each room in house, such as living room, master bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. On the basis of the findings, the characteristics of interior design of each room in house which the elderly preferred were presented. In general, they preferred the mixed interior style with tradition and modem. Also, the reddish and purple interior color, flower or plant patterned wall finishes, and wood floor were preferred in living room and master bedroom by the elderly. The white interior color and one colored wall finishes without any pattern were preferred in kitchen and bathroom.



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