산업간 융합 서비스모델 개발 방법론 연구

A Study of Development Methodology for Inter-Industry Collaboration Service Model

  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


Today many corporations converge clients' needs and IT technology, and then they are developing new service model in order to survive global situation. The changes of manufacturing industry from simple manufacture to industry for focus on services is getting speeded up, because not only growth of service part but also enlargement in creating value in services is expected. And services through collaboration with knowledge based service and only manufacturing industry is important. In this situation, this thesis is willing to propose methodology for Inter-Industry Collaboration Service Model. The proposed methodology includes procedures which develops service model, plans for Inter-Industry Collaboration Service Model and evaluating framework. Also, this applied case studies. I look forward to offering useful guideline on the proposed methodology in this study to corporations that try to create new service model through Inter-Industry Collaboration Service Model.



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