Build-in Wiretap Channel I with Feedback and LDPC Codes

  • Wen, Hong (Dept. of Electrical Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada and now is working with UESTC) ;
  • Gong, Guang (Dept. of Electrical Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo) ;
  • Ho, Pin-Han (Dept. of Electrical Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


A wiretap channel I is one of the channel models that was proved to achieve unconditional security. However, it has been an open problem in realizing such a channel model in a practical network environment. The paper is committed to solve the open problem by introducing a novel approach for building wiretap channel I in which the eavesdropper sees a binary symmetric channel (BSC) with error probability p while themain channel is error free. By taking advantage of the feedback and low density parity check (LDPC) codes, our scheme adds randomness to the feedback signals from the destination for keeping an eavesdropper ignorant; on the other hand, redundancy is added and encoded by the LDPC codes such that a legitimate receiver can correctly receive and decode the signals. With the proposed approach, unconditionallysecure communication can be achieved through interactive communications, in which the legitimate partner can realize the secret information transmission without a pre-shared secret key even if the eavesdropper has better channel from the beginning.



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