Cultural Differences of Professional Organizations in Wholesale Seafood Markets

수산물 도매시장의 유통조직별 문화의 차이

  • Published : 2009.12.31


Research on culture has been widespread across social science researches. But there has not been any cultural research in the fisheries industry. This study tried to identify whether the culture of the fishery organization had a convergent or divergent characteristic. To do so, fishery distributors and wholesalers, who affiliated with their professional associations or wholesale seafood markets, were surveyed across supplying and consuming areas(Busan and Seoul). If fishery organizations have always been culture-bound, rather than culture free, then their members show the divergent characteristic of culture. Despite a similarity in tasks, size and market segments, if this fact is proved, fishery distributors and wholesalers in different areas will differ in many of their managerial practices such as marketing policies, communication patterns, motivation techniques, etc. And it is expected that national and industrial cultures are major determinants of their behaviors. Depending on the results of this study, fishery distributors and wholesalers had a divergent characteristic. So, it was concluded that fishery distributors and wholesalers of wholesale seafood markets in supplying area were different from those in consuming area. It was found that this difference was attributed to individualism/collectivism and masculinity/femininity dimensions. In individualism/collectivism dimension, fishery distributors and wholesalers of consuming area were stronger than those of supplying area. That is, fishery distributors and wholesalers of consuming area were more collective than those of supplying area. But in masculinity/femininity dimension, fishery distributors and wholesalers of supplying area were stronger than those of consuming area. And the divergent characteristic was moderated by demographic variables (gender, age, education level, career). Especially, masculinity/femininity dimension was more moderated by demographic variables than individualism/ collectivism dimension.



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