Comparison of Urban Families and Rural Families in terms of Life Styles on Saturday-with-no-school by Using Time Diary Method

시간일지법으로 분석한 도시와 농촌 가족의 토요휴업일 생활실태

  • Oh, Kyeong-Sook (Director of Goeunbyeol Storyland Child-care Center) ;
  • Han, You-Me (Dept. of early childhood education, Hoseo University)
  • Published : 2009.02.28


This study aimed to examine the urban families and rural families in tenns of life styles on Saturday-with-no-school. The subjects were the 386 parents whose children were in the first or second grade in rural or urban area. The instruments of analysis were time diary method and parents' stress scale developed by Kim & Kang(l997). The main results were as follows: First, in comparison with urban children, rural children spent more time in viewing TV and playing computer but spend less time in sleeping. field trip and cleaning on Saturday-with-no-school. Second, the difference of child-rearing time between mothers and fathers was less marked in urban area than in rural area. Rural fathers spent more time in watching TV or playing computer, while rural mothers spent more time in feeding and bathing of their children, helping their children do homework, and total child-rearing. Third, unlike urban parents, rural parents ddid not have much parenting stress on Saturday-with-no-school. These results show that there is a need to focus on rural parents in the preparation for introduction of 5 days-school-week system.



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