The Effects of Inclusiveness between Team Members on Psychological Safety and Improvement Efforts in a Commercial Airline Cockpit

조종실 내의 개방성이 심리적 안전감과 조종 수행 참여도 향상에 주는 영향: 민간 항공 기장과 부기장을 대상으로

  • Published : 2009.06.30


This study aims at determining psychological elements that influence team coordination between a captain and a first officer in a commercial airline cockpit. It also examines how these elements interact between one another in different team membership settings. It was hypothesized that mutual inclusiveness of differential status among pilots enhances psychological safety and engagement in safety improvement efforts. Survey results based on 254 airline pilots suggest that status (captain, first officer) and mutual inclusiveness (openness between team members) influence psychological safety and mutual inclusiveness moderates the relationship between status and psychological safety. The results also suggest that psychological safety is positively associated with engagement in safety improvement efforts and partially mediates the relationship between mutual inclusiveness and improvement efforts. This study provides insights into antecedents of fostering safety improvement efforts in airline crew teams in which cultural differences and professional hierarchy exist.



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