A 5-year-old intact male black gibbon (Hylobates concolor) was referred for evaluation of the right pelvic limb lameness following a fight against other black gibbons. Fractures of the right tibia and fibula were suspected on physical examination and palpation of the right pelvic limb, but no other injuries or abnormalities were detected. While the black gibbon was sedated, pelvic limb radiographs were taken, which revealed diaphyseal oblique fractures of the right tibia and fibula. Open reduction of the fractures was performed. The tibial fracture was repaired by use of an internal fixation technique that included a tubular dynamic compression plate and cortical screws secured along the craniomedial aspect of the tibia. There were no complications during the postoperative rehabilitation period. At 9 weeks, radiographs revealed that bridging callus was well formed over the cortices of the tibial and fibular fracture area. The cast was removed 9 weeks after surgery. The black gibbon exhibited no evidence of lameness and was released back into the group. Presently, there are no published reports of internal fracture fixation in a black gibbon where a tubular dynamic compression plate and cortical screws provided excellent stabilization of the tibia and complete fracture healing allowing normal ambulation.
5년령의 체중 4.58 kg 수컷 긴 팔 원숭이가 후지 파행 증상으로 건국대학교 동물 병원에 내원하였다. 신체 검사에서 우측 후지 경골 부위의 연부조직 손상을 보였으며 방사선 사진에서 우측 경골과 비골의 단순 골절이 관찰되었다. 개방형 정복을 실시한 후 tubular dynamic compression plate와 나사를 이용한 고정을 실시하였다. 수술 9주 후 방사선 사진 검사에서 잘 발달된 가골 형성이 골절 부위 피질에서 관찰되었다. 수술 3개월 후 후지 파행 증상을 보이 지 않고 정상 보행이 가능하였다.