미적분학 개혁운동과 미적분강좌의 방향 연구

Calculus Reform Movement and A Study on the College Calculus

  • 발행 : 2009.02.28


Recently our society confronts with the concern over the college students' apparent lack of understanding and interesting of mathematics. In late 1980s the calculus reform movement in US was triggered to increase both passing rates and a general interest in the subject. The purpose of this paper is to investigate teaching of college calculus and its curriculum in order to promote students' interesting and understanding. We deal with 4 questions. Firstly, we research the history and motivation of the calculus reform movement in US. Secondly, we do case study about the debate between reformed and traditional calculus. Then we evaluate the effectiveness of reformed calculus in comparison to traditional calculus. Finally we investigate possible ways to apply reformed calculus in our university mathematics education and suggest some points to improve teaching calculus.



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