교구를 활용한 중학교 공간능력 향상을 위한 수업에서 학습의 효과

An Effect of Students' Learning for Spatial Ability Using a Geometric Manipulative

  • Choi-Koh, Sang-Sook (Dept. of Mathematics Education, Dankook University) ;
  • Jung, In-Chul (Dept of Mathematics Education, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Park, Man-Goo (Dept of Mathematics Education, Seoul National University of Education)
  • 발행 : 2009.02.28


The study was to investigate an effect of students' learning for enhancing spatial ability, using a geometric manipulative recently designed. A mixed methodology was chosen to achieve the purpose of the study. To find students' achievement, 152 of the 8th graders in Kyunggi Do participated in data collection. At the same time. students' performance of the class was videotaped and analyzed to see students' responses, The results showed that the effect of using the manipulative was statistically significant at level, p<.05 to enhance the spatial ability. Specifically, in comparison of each component. spatial orientation was more effective than spatial visualization. In the spatial orientation, the part of field was more effective than the reorganized whole. It showed that students were given more opportunities to find mathematical properties and relations between 2nd and 3rd-dimensional figures through their intuitive observation, and also the manipulative helped the students find the property of the part of field because it gave an easy way to manipulate the property of the find parts of whole which was composed of the frame of the solid figures without surfaces. In using the manipulative, students were very flexible in finding the number of plane figures, but the relations between the 2nd and 3rd dimensional figures need to be clearly guided in consideration of the characteristics of the manipulative, based on the definitions of geometric properties(cf. points can make lines, not surfaces directly).



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