A Study On Residents' Satisfaction with Multi-family Public Rental Housing Program in Daegu

다가구 매입임대주택의 입주자특성과 주거만족도 분석 - 대구광역시 사례를 중심으로 -

  • 홍경구 (대구대학교 도시지역계획학과)
  • Published : 2009.02.25


The purpose of our study is empirically to identify residents' satisfaction by multi-family public rental housing and to find out another improvement to solve the housing problems facing the poor in Daegu. As a new way of settling the housing problems for the poor in city, as you know, multi-family public rental housing program was introduced by the Korean government in 2004 but rarely empirically evaluated so far. in the Residents' Satisfaction, There are no evaluation of multi-family public rental housing program except Kim's study (2006). Based on 160 survey data, we evaluated the multi-family Public Rental Housing Program within the framework of affordability in economics, a satisfaction in building and in neighborhood by a statistical method. As a result, we find out that residents on multi-family Public Rental housing are satisfied with the multi-family Public Rental Housing Program by and large. For mitigating the housing and economic problem of the poor more, self-support program as well as assistance in housing are needed and multi-family Public Rental housing Program must include neighborhood program more.



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