학생정신건강검진 시범운영사업에 따른 추진방안

Mental Health Screening in Schools

  • 김현정 (솔빛정신과의원) ;
  • 김윤영 (성동정신건강센터) ;
  • 이혜숙 (성동정신건강센터) ;
  • 현미나 (성신여자대학교대학원 심리학과) ;
  • 남동현 (성균관대학교 대학원 아동학과) ;
  • 김상원 (성균관대학교 대학원 아동학과) ;
  • 안동현 (한양대학교 정신과)
  • Kim, Hyoun-Jeong (Solbit Psychiatric Clinic) ;
  • Kim, Yun-Young (Seongdong Mental Health Center) ;
  • Lee, Hye-Sook (Seongdong Mental Health Center) ;
  • Hyun, Mi-Na (Department of Psychology, SungShin Women's University Graduate School) ;
  • Nam, Dong-Hyun (Department of Child Psychology and Education, SungKyunKwan University Graduate School) ;
  • Kim, Sang-Won (Department of Child Psychology and Education, SungKyunKwan University Graduate School) ;
  • Ahn, Dong-Hyun (Department of Psychiatry, Hanyang University Medical School)
  • 발행 : 2009.06.01


Purpose: The purpose of the study was to find the strategies of mental health screening in school. Based on the literature review, we discuss the importance of screening students in schools for mental health problems. Methods: Data from the 2008 Korean Mental Health Screening in Schools(2008-KMHSS) are used to estimate the outline of this screening. We administered the questionnaire for satisfaction of 2008-KMHSS for students(N=1,280), parents(N=2,672), school nurses(N=75), teachers(N=685), district personnels(N=6), and mental health center staffs(N=37). Also we interviewed a part of them by telephone and e-mail. And we reviewed the tools and methods for screening students for emotional/behavioral problems. Results: Mental health screening in schools is a very important, yet worrisome, agenda that is in its very early stages. From the 2008 Korean Mental Health Screening in Schools, 9,588 students(12.9%) needed more evaluation in the first stage. Of these, 6,910(72.1%) completed the second stage screening. In this sample, 1,975(28.6%) utilized the mental health services in school or community. 38.3% of students and 43.7% of their parents notified the 2008-KMHSS. But only 12.1% of students and 10.9% of their parents dissatisfied with the screening. 9.9% of teachers and 22.7% of school nurses dissatisfied with the screening. Among them the school nurses were mostly dissatisfied, and they complained work burden from KMHSS. Mental health center staffs complained similar issues. The Children's Problem-behavior Screening Questionnaire(CPSQ) and Adolescents' Mental-health & Problem-behavior Screening Questionnaire(AMPQ) were compatible to screen students in schools for mental health problems in first stage. Conclusion: Mental health screening in schools needs careful planning and implementation. For successful mental health screening in schools, several elements need to be considered: careful planning, collaboration, staff training, and integrative mental health programs and services in community or schools.



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