학교보건교육의 효과 평가 방안

An Evaluation on the Effectiveness of a Health Education

  • 발행 : 2009.06.01


An evaluation in school education systems should identify what students achieve and what they do not. Since 2010, if the health education curriculum is provided as a selective course in middle and high school settings, the national health education standards are required because these affect on students' applications of a higher stage of education. It would be better that each school follows their autonomy to evaluate each student's achievement on the health education. In addition, the national health education standards should be set to assess the effectiveness of seven categories in health education. It is hard to achieve good results through 17 hours of the health education per a semester. Therefore, the health education would be better to provide more than 50 hours per a semester, and the 3th graders instead of 5th graders are suitable for taking the health education because they are more flexible to change their lifestyle toward healthier life. There are two categories in the health education, such as "Mental Health" and "Society and Health" which are expanded from originally seven categories of the health education. Moreover, professional training programs for school nurses should be provided because these two categories are relatively a new domain for them. Finally, all elementary middle and high schools have a school nurse to decrease inequal opportunities of the health education between urban and rural area. When these suggestions are all set in school systems, our students' health behaviors will be improved as well as the effectiveness of the health education.



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