연구 과제 주관 기관 : 한국수자원공사
- 한국수자원공사, 2008, 특정용수 산정 방법 및 용수수요 산정기준, pp. 50-60
- 환경부, 2004, 상수도시설기준, pp. 37
- 환경부, 2004, 상수도시설기준, pp. 37
- 환경부, 2006, 건축물의용도별 오수 발생량 및 단독정화조 처리대상 인원 산정방법
- 환경부, 2006, 수도정비기본계획 수립지침
- 환경부, 2007, 상수도 수요량 예측 업무편람
The objective of this research is to provide more reliable and accurate unit factor of water amount by investigating of informations related to various educational institutions such as elementary, middle, high schools and university. In order to estimate the water demand of educational institutions, first of all, the informations such as building area, site area, total school population, and water amount of various educational institutions are investigated to estimate the water unit factor. In this research, we used the total population of students and teachers to estimate the water demand of educational institutions. The results of unit factors of this research are as follows: 1) The elementary school is
연구 과제 주관 기관 : 한국수자원공사