이동통신사의 부가서비스 상품 판매와 유지 증대를 위한 Cultivation 마케팅과 성과측정

Cultivation Marketing and Effect Measurement for Improving Sale and Retention of Additional Service Product of A Mobile Telephone Company

  • 전희주 (부산외국어대학교 데이터경영학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.11.30


In this paper, we proposed some valuable analysis results of cultivation campaign marketing in A mobile telephone company. The cultivation campaign marketing is a new outbound TM campaign strategy composed of 4 steps for new subscribers. During the analyses, attrition rate of A mobile company, outbound TM rejection rate, contact rate/call success rate and additional service attrition rate after subscription are measured as an effect of cultivation campaign. The results showed that there were no statistical significance in improving retention rate between customers experienced 4 step cultivation campaign and control group. However, the cultivation campaign had a better effect on improving response rate and success of selling additional service product of mobile company compared to general selling campaign. This is because cultivation campaign group had been taking care of from subscription time. It is suggested that cultivation campaign had better confined customers more likely to buy additional service to outbound TM for the sake of financial efficiency.



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