학령후기 여아의 바디스 원형 개발

Development of Upper Garment Prototype for Girls in Late Elementary School

  • 발행 : 2009.11.30


The purpose of this study is to develop pattern of a Upper Garment Prototype for late elementary school aged girls. The body of late elementary school aged girls changes steadily up to the adult and is characterized by its periodic noticeable physical distinctions. This study is selected a test pattern from 3 existing patterns through a preliminary wearing test, conducted wearing tests, and sensory evaluations three times to review and improve the pattern, and presented the pattern of late elementary school aged girls. The research pattern was developed considering aesthetic and functional aspect. The average score of sensory evaluation on appearance was 4.13 for the research pattern, which was higher than 2.74 for the test pattern. The according to the results of verifying significant differences in the test items between the two patterns through the t-test, in the items such as pleats in the line of a waist, the ease of the girth of a waist, the location of shoulder line was superior to the test pattern. The average score of the sensory evaluation on functionality was 4.91 for the research pattern, which was higher than 3.90 for the test pattern. The research pattern is superior to the test pattern in static posture, dynamic posture than the test pattern.



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