두 원형분류에 의한 $45^{\circ}$ 충돌분류의 흔합유동구조에 대한 난류모델 평가

Evaluation of Turbulent Models on the Mixing Flow Structure of $45^{\circ}$ Impinging Jet by Two Round Jets

  • 김장권 (군산대학교 동력기계시스템공학과) ;
  • 오석형 (군산대학교 기계공학부)
  • 발행 : 2009.10.31


In this paper, the CFD analysis using various turbulent models has been performed to evaluate which type of turbulent models can predict well the mixing flow structure of $45^{\circ}$ impinging round jet. This CFD analysis has been carried out through the commercial Fluent software. As a result, any of turbulent models cannot predict the experimental results definitely all over the flow range. However, as compared with the experimental results, the turbulent model of realizable(RLZ) k-$\varepsilon$ only predicts well in the limited range between X/$X_0=1.1$ and X/$X_0=2.0$.



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