사용자 제한이 적용되는 2계층 대기행렬 네트워크 구조의 이탈과정에 관한 분석

A Study of Departure Process on the Open and Nested Population Constrained Tandem Queueing Network with Constant Service Times

  • 이영 (계명대학교 공과대학 경영공학과)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


In this paper, we consider the departure process from the open and nested tandem Queueing network with population constraint and constant service times. It is known that the Queueing network can be transformed into a simple Queueing network which can be easy to analyze. Using this simple Queueing network, upper and lower bounds on the interdeparture time are obtained. We prove that the variance of the interdeparture time is bounded within these two bounds. Validation against simulation data is shown that how it works the variance of the interdeparture time within two bounds. These bounds can be applied to obtain the better variance of the interdeparture time using a suitable method.



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