슬링운동에 의한 편마비 환자의 견관절 기능 및 정량적 방사선 계측 값 변화

The Changes of The Shoulder Function and Quantitative Radiographic Measurements in Hemiplegic Patients by Sling Exercise

  • Lee, Dong-Rour (Department of Physical Therapy, Good Samsun Hospital) ;
  • Kim, Jong-Soon (Departtment of Physical Therapy, Busan Cathiloic University) ;
  • Song, Min-Young (Physical Therapy, Department of Rehabilitation Science, Graduate School of Daegu University)
  • 발행 : 2009.11.30


Purpose:The aim of this study was to determine the effect of active sling exercise on shoulder subluxation in hemiplegic patients. Methods:Twenty persons with shoulder subluxation were randomly divided into two groups; the experimental group(10 persons) and the control group(10 persons). Usual physical therapy and occupational therapy were applied in all groups in a day for 4 weeks. Additionally the experimental group was received 30 minutes sling active exercise (flexion, extention, adduction, abduction, intenal rotation, external rotation, horizontal adduction, horizontal abduction) for shoulder joint in a day for 4 weeks. I investigated the therapeutic effect of sling exercise through the Wolf motor function test (WMFT), Quantitative radiographic measurements and range of motion test at pre and post intervention period. Results:The passive range of motion was significantly increased in the experimental group compare with the control group. However, the active range of motion was no statistically significantly difference in both of the experimental and the control group. The level of WMFT was significantly decreased in the experimental group compared with control group. Although, there was no significantly difference the degree of the shoulder subluxation was more decreased in experimental group than control group. Conclusion:Taken together, these results suggest that sling exercise could be beneficial therapeutic method for hemiplegic shoulder. But to generalize it, more study and exercise program might be needed to confirm its availability.



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