판매원 속성이 남녀 대학생과 판매원간 관계몰입과 성과에 미치는 영향

The Influence of Salespersons Attributes on Relationship Commitment between College Students and Salespersons and Their Performance

  • 발행 : 2009.01.31


This study is a survey of college students who have been exposed to a variety of clothing consumption environments such as online transactions through the Internet, with the purpose of examining the influence of salespersons attributes on college students' relationship commitment and perception of salespersons performance. The study conducted a questionnaire survey on 464 male and female students and used SPSS 12.0 for statistical data analyses such as mean, standard deviation, frequency analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: First, salespersons attributes such as appearance, expertise, customer orientation, and customer management fumed out as the factors that influence the satisfaction under relationship commitment at statistically significant levels. Likeability, customer orientation, and customer management were found to have statistically significant influence on perceived reliability of salespersons. Second, with respect to the influence of relationship commitment on customer performance, statistically significant factors included satisfaction and reliability. Customer orientation is considered most important by both male and female students among the salespersons attributes, followed in order by expertise, customer management, appearance, ethic and similarity. Likeability was found to be the least important attribute.



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